Monday, August 3, 2009

I had my third shot of 50 IU of Puregon. The same procedure we did with our 1st shot using the Terumo 26 G x 1/2" syringe. Again, before injecting I rubbed the area to be punctured with cotton which I dipped in alcohol. I pinched my belly. Then my husband injected the Puregon on the right side of my tummy. Just like the previous 2 shots, it was quite painful. I wished it's Puregon pen we used instead. After draining the syringe with its content, I continuously rubbed in circular motion the area around the punctured skin. Whenever I do that I felt relieved of pain. So I did that until I no longer feel any pain.

I took a nap after. My hubby woke me for lunch.

The varying response level of women to FSH makes it impossible to set a dosage schedule which is suitable for all patients. In view of this, my doctor prescribed 50 iu/ day of Puregon for the next three successive injections. This dose may be adjusted as my treatment progresses. To find the right dosage, follicle growth is checked by means of ultrasound scanning. This is why my hubby and I are going back to the clinic tomorrow; I’ll have my ultrasound again. I’m keeping my fingers cross and hope that my eggs are growing and responding well to Puregon.


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