Saturday, August 1, 2009

30 July 09

My husband gave me my 3rd shot of 75 iu of Puregon. This time it was injected on the right side of my belly. He was quite shaky. Even without openly admitting that he was nervous, I could sense he was. In fact, when he drove the needle to my skin, he wasn’t aware he was drawing out the needle again so I held his hand steady . And again we counted 10 before withdrawing the needle. I’m quite used to being poke with needles. LOL.

31 July 09

The 4th shot of 75 iu of Puregon. He came home early to give me my injection. He gave me shot on the left side of my belly. The procedure went smoothly. I slept after the shot.

01 August 09

This morning we left home before 7 a.m. We headed straight to the hospital to have my laboratory test. Today I had my Estradiol Test and paid P/1,200 (pesos). Since the result will be available after 3 hours we headed to the market and bought food for this week’s consumption. We bought papaya, grapes, and green lemons. For vegetables we had string beans, eggplant, squash and spices.

After claiming my Estradiol result we went to my OB’s clinic. The result is 103.29 pg/ml. Then I had my ultrasound again which is done inside the clinic. She checked the size of my eggs. The result is quite good since the eggs increased in size. She then prescribed 50 iu of Puregon/ day for 3 successive days starting today, August 1-3. Then we will be back to the clinic on August 4 for the next check-up. She has to closely monitor the development of the eggs so as not to over stimulate it. Her clinic assistant administered the shot. This time she did not use the Puregon pen. Instead, she used syringe. She sucked the solution from the vial then replaced the needle with a thinner one. She said we have to make sure that there is no longer bubble inside the syringe before injecting it. She then pressed and held a portion of the right side of my belly before injecting the solution. Since the needle of the syringe is slightly wider than the Puregon pen, it is more painful. I lingered quite long in the private lounge rubbing my belly to ease the pain. For this morning session and procedure we paid P/ 8,100.


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